© PoldisSoccerStars 2013 - 2020

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This website is about my collection of football figures. I started collecting football figures in 2006 when my son came along with Microstars of the German Series 2 which were distributed here in Germany by Simba Toys. As a big football fan i liked these detailed sculpts of the little figures from the beginning. So i looked around in the Internet and found out, that Corinthian was the original manufacturer of the Microstars. And not only of Microstars also of the bigger figures called Headliners and later Prostars. So i started with collecting football figures. In the beginning i concentrated on collecting only Microstars and my first goal was to complete all Series which Corinthian released in the UK or other countries like Germany or Italy through their distributers. As my collection was growing and i completed the most series i began to look also to get the rarer figures on gold and black bases and to replace the figures with lower bases in my collection. After the release of the last Microstars Series of Corinthian in the UK, Series 19 World Stars, in early 2010 i also began to put the first Prostars and Headliners to my collection. In the beginning only german players and later all the big names of football history. After the closing down of Corinthian in 2011 there was a sad time for collectors with no new figures. Though Giochi Preziosi released a Microstars 2011/12 called series of football figures in Italy in early 2012. But it was not the same as the original figures of Corinthian. In my opinion the sculpts were not bad, but the figures were only released on green base with green, silver or gold spots on the bottom of the base to indicate some kind rarenes. But as nobody could see the spots only if you turn around the figure in my opinion it makes no difference what kind of spot the figure realy has. In the meantime i also discovered KoDoTo called football figures from China. The figures are aprox 6,5 cm high and the sculpts look really good but the quality of the whole figure is low, because they are put together from several parts. So it's not uncommon if i get new figures that i had to stick them together because the parts like the base or the head of the figure was gone. But in mid 2012 a new brand arrived on the market. SoccerStarz by Creative Toys are figures in the size of Microstars. They are released in blisters only on green base and also in blind bags on several different bases. Creative Toys is changing the base colours almost every season in their blind bags. So for the season 2018/19 we see figures on gold, orange, purple and sky blue bases: The figures have a great quality and the sculpts are really good. So I’m trying to put all SoccerStarz which were ever released to my collection. As my collection has grown up more and more over the years, i decided not only put them on shelves or in cabinets in my collector room but also show them to the world through the Internet. So i will show you my collection of football figures on this site. So come back regularly and click around and let me know what you think about my collection. Have fun !!!! Figures in my collection: 5714 on this site: 774 (April 2020
PoldisSoccerStars The Home of Football Figures
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